CDS Properties
The following table lists all configuration properties that can be used to configure CAP Java 3.8.0. You can set them in your project's application.yml
In property files <index>
should be replaced with a number and <key>
with an arbitrary String. In YAML files, you can use standard YAML list and map structures.
Learn more about Spring Properties.
Property | Type | Default Value | Description | |
cds.environment | Properties for environments, like local development or Cloud Foundry. | |||
cds.environment.local | Properties for the local environment. | |||
cds.environment.local.defaultEnvPath | String | Specification of the default environment JSON file. If this property starts with "classpath:", it is read as classloader resource. Otherwise it is interpreted as file-system path. The file content follows the structure of Cloud Foundry's VCAP_SERVICES and VCAP_APPLICATION environment variables. If this property specifies a folder, the filename default-env.json is appended to it. | ||
cds.environment.production | Properties for the production environment. | |||
cds.environment.production.profile | String | cloud | The Spring Boot profile to attach production-optimized default property values to. | |
cds.environment.production.enabled | boolean | Determines, if it is enabled. | ||
cds.environment.deployment | Properties for the specific application deployment. | |||
cds.environment.deployment.version | String | The version of the application deployment in format x.y.z-qualifier. It is expected, that application deployments can be sorted semantically by this version. | ||
cds.dataSource | Properties for the primary data source, used by the default persistence service. | |||
cds.dataSource.embedded | boolean | false | Determines, if the data source is considered embedded (in-memory). | |
cds.dataSource.binding | String | The name of the primary service binding, used by the default persistence service. | ||
cds.dataSource.csv | Properties for CSV initialization. | |||
cds.dataSource.csv.initializationMode | String | embedded | Determines in which scenarios the default persistence service is initialized with CSV data. By default, CSV initialization only happens, if the data source is embedded (in-memory). Possible values are: embedded , never , always . | |
cds.dataSource.csv.fileSuffix | String | .csv | The file suffix of CSV files. | |
cds.dataSource.csv.paths | List | db/data/**, db/csv/**, ../db/data/**, ../db/csv/** | The file-system paths to search for CSV files in. Using /** at the end of the path triggers a recursive search. | |
cds.dataSource.csv.singleChangeset | boolean | false | Enables import of all CSV files in a single changeset. By default, each CSV file is imported in a separate changeset. | |
cds.dataSource.autoConfig | Properties to control the DataSource auto-configuration from service bindings. | |||
cds.dataSource.autoConfig.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.model | Properties for the CDS model. | |||
cds.model.csnPath | String | edmx/csn.json | The resource path to the csn.json file. | |
cds.model.includeUiAnnotations | boolean | false | Determines, if UI annotations are included in the model. | |
cds.model.provider | The model provider configuration. | |||
cds.model.provider.url | String | The URL of the Model Provider. | ||
cds.model.provider.extensibility | boolean | true | Assume that dynamic models contain tenant-specific extensions. | |
cds.model.provider.toggles | boolean | true | Assume that dynamic models are feature-toggle specific. | |
cds.model.provider.cache | Properties for the CDS model and EDMX metadata caches. | |||
cds.model.provider.cache.maxSize | int | 20 | The number of entries in the CDS model and EDMX metadata caches. | |
cds.model.provider.cache.expirationTime | int | 600 | The lifetime of an entry in seconds after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last access. | |
cds.model.provider.cache.refreshTime | int | 60 | The time in seconds after which a cached entry is refreshed. | | | Properties for security configurations of services and endpoints. | ||| | boolean | false | Determines, if potentially sensitive data, for example values in CQN queries, might be logged. | | | Properties for authentication in general. | ||| | String | model-strict | Determines the mode that is used when authenticating endpoints of protocol-adapters. Possible values are: - never: No endpoint requires authentication - model-relaxed: Authentication is derived from @requires/@restrict, defaults to public endpoints. - model-strict: Authentication is derived from @requires/@restrict, defaults to authenticated endpoints. - always: All endpoints require authentication | | | boolean | true | Determines, if OData $metadata endpoints enforce authentication. | | | boolean | true | Determines, if security configurations enforce authentication for endpoints not managed by protocol-adapters. | | | boolean | true | Determines, if the provider tenant is normalized to null . | | | String | X-Forwarded-Client-Cert | Header name for forwarded client certificates. | | | Properties for the Spring security auto-configuration. | ||| | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Determines of internal users are allowed to access endpoints offered for callbacks by reuse services (e.g. SMS, SaaSRegistry, UCL) | ||| | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Properties for authorization. | ||| | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Properties to control the protection of drafts. If a draft is protected, it is only accessible by its creator. | ||| | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Properties for authentication based on Identity Service (IAS). | ||| | String | The name of the IAS service binding, used for the identity security auto-configuration and MTXs sidecar communication. | || | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Properties for authentication based on XSUAA. | ||| | String | The name of the XSUAA service binding, used for the XSUAA security auto-configuration and MTXs sidecar communication. | || | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Properties for authentication based on mock-users. | ||| | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | The mock-users, used for basic authentication in local development and test scenarios. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the user name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.id | String | The ID of the mock-user. | ||<key>.name | String | The (mandatory) name of the mock-user. It's used to perform the basic authentication. | ||<key>.password | String | The (optional) password of the mock-user. It's used to perform the basic authentication. | ||<key>.tenant | String | The tenant of the mock-user. | ||<key>.systemUser | boolean | false | Determines, if this mock-user is treated as a system user. | |<key>.privileged | boolean | false | Determines, if this mock-user is treated as the privileged user. | |<key>.internalUser | boolean | false | Determines, if this mock-user is treated as the internal user. | |<key>.roles | List | The list of roles, that are assigned to this mock-user. | ||<key>.features | List | The list of enabled feature toggles for this user. If set, it overrules features of the tenant (if provided). | ||<key>.attributes | Map | A map of user attributes, that are assigned to the mock-user. The name of the attribute needs to be given as the key. The attribute values are provided as a list. | ||<key>.additional | Map | A map of additional properties of the mock-user. It can be used to mock authentication specific properties (e.g. email address). The name of the additional attribute needs to be given as the key. The value of the attribute can be provided as an arbitrary object. | || | Enables a list of default mock-users. | ||| | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | The tenants in local development and test scenarios. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the tenant name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.name | String | The (mandatory) name of the tenant | ||<key>.features | List | The list of enabled feature toggles for this tenant. | ||
cds.indexPage | Properties for the index page. | |||
cds.indexPage.path | String | / | The base-path of the adapter endpoint. | |
cds.indexPage.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.odataV4 | Properties for the OData V4 protocol adapter. | |||
cds.odataV4.contextAbsoluteUrl | boolean | false | Determines, if URLs in the @odata.context response annotation are absolute. | |
cds.odataV4.edmxPath | String | edmx/v4 | The JAR resource path to search for OData V4 EDMX files. | |
cds.odataV4.searchMode | String | odata-lenient | Defines the handling of the $search query option. In odata-strict mode the search string is parsed and interpreted according to the OData v4 $search specification.In pass-through mode the search string is passed through to the data store.In odata-lenient mode the search string is parsed and only passed through on parsing errors. | |
cds.odataV4.endpoint | Properties of the OData V4 protocol adapter endpoint. | |||
cds.odataV4.endpoint.path | String | /odata/v4 | The base-path of the adapter endpoint. | |
cds.odataV4.endpoint.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.odataV4.fioriPreview | Properties for the Fiori Preview on the index page. | |||
cds.odataV4.fioriPreview.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.odataV4.fioriPreview.ui5 | Properties for the UI5 dependency used for the Fiori Preview. | |||
cds.odataV4.fioriPreview.ui5.version | String | ||| | String | | ||
cds.odataV4.lazyI18n | Determines, if localization is applied to the EDMX lazily, saving memory resources. | |||
cds.odataV4.lazyI18n.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.odataV4.batch | Properties for OData batch requests. | |||
cds.odataV4.batch.maxRequests | long | -1 | Defines the maximum number of requests within OData batch requests. By default, no limit applies. | |
cds.odataV2 | Properties for the OData V2 protocol adapter. | |||
cds.odataV2.edmxPath | String | edmx/v2 | The JAR resource path to search for OData V2 EDMX files. | |
cds.odataV2.caseSensitiveFilter | boolean | true | Determines whether OData functions 'substringof', 'startswith' and 'endswith' are case-sensitive. | |
cds.odataV2.searchMode | String | odata-lenient | Defines the handling of the $search query option. In odata-strict mode the search string is parsed and interpreted according to the OData v4 $search specification.In pass-through mode the search string is passed through to the data store.In odata-lenient mode the search string is parsed and only passed through on parsing errors. | |
cds.odataV2.endpoint | Properties of the OData V2 protocol adapter endpoint. | |||
cds.odataV2.endpoint.path | String | /odata/v2 | The base-path of the adapter endpoint. | |
cds.odataV2.endpoint.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.odataV2.batch | Properties for OData batch requests. | |||
cds.odataV2.batch.maxRequests | long | -1 | Defines the maximum number of requests within OData batch requests. By default, no limit applies. | |
cds.hcql | Properties for the HCQL protocol adapter. | |||
cds.hcql.endpoint | Properties of the HCQL protocol adapter endpoint. | |||
cds.hcql.endpoint.path | String | /hcql | The base-path of the adapter endpoint. | |
cds.hcql.endpoint.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.messaging | Properties for messaging services. | |||
cds.messaging.webhooks | Properties for receiving messages through the webhook. | |||
cds.messaging.webhooks.url | String | The application webhook URL. This URL is used when registering the webhook at the message broker. | ||
cds.messaging.webhooks.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.messaging.routes | The list of routes for the composite messaging service. The first route that matches is used. Therefore the order of these routes has significance. | |||
cds.messaging.routes.<index>.service | String | The target service of the route. | ||
cds.messaging.routes.<index>.events | List | The list of events/topics, which are propagated to/from the target service. | || | Properties for messaging services. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the messaging service name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.name | String | The name of the messaging service. | ||<key>.kind | String | The kind of the messaging service. It usually reflects the corresponding service binding type. Possible values are: local-messaging , file-based-messaging ,enterprise-messaging , message-queuing , redis-pubsub ,kafka-channel-messaging . | ||<key>.binding | String | The name of the service binding used for this messaging service. In case of file-based-messaging this specifies the file-system path to the exchange file. | ||<key>.subscribePrefix | String | The string used to prefix topics when subscribing to events. | ||<key>.publishPrefix | String | The string used to prefix topics when publishing events. | ||<key>.format | String | The message format to be assumed on subscriptions and applied when publishing. Possible values are: cloudevents | ||<key>.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |<key>.connection | Properties for the JMS client connection. | |||<key>.connection.dedicated | boolean | false | Determines, if this messaging service uses its own dedicated JMS client connection. By default, JMS client connections to the same messaging broker are shared. | |<key> | Map | Properties passed to the JMS client connection. The possible keys and values depend on the messaging service implementation. | ||<key>.queue | Properties of the queue that is created for the messaging service. | |||<key> | String | The name of the queue. The queue may already exist with some custom configuration. In that case the queue is not recreated. | ||<key>.queue.config | Map | Properties passed to the messaging broker when creating the queue. The possible keys and values depend on the messaging service implementation. | ||<key>.queue.subscriptions | List | A list of additional topics, that are subscribed on the queue. By default event handler registrations should be used to trigger subscriptions. This property is intended for purposes when subscriptions can not be inferred from event handler registrations. | ||<key>.queue.forceListening | boolean | false | Specifies whether a queue listener should be connected even if no subscription is available. | |<key>.outbox | Properties to control, if and how the Outbox should be used for this messaging service. | |||<key> | String | DefaultOutboxOrdered | The name of the outbox service to use. If not available or set, the in-memory outbox is used as fallback. | |<key>.outbox.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.multiTenancy | Properties for multitenancy and extensibility. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.componentScan | String | Package to be included in the component scan of the Subscribe, Deploy and Unsubscribe main methods. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.endpoint | Properties of the subscription HTTP endpoints. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.endpoint.path | String | /mt/v1.0/subscriptions | The base-path of the adapter endpoint. | |
cds.multiTenancy.endpoint.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.multiTenancy.subscriptionManager | Properties for the subscription manager service. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.subscriptionManager.endpoint | Properties of the subscription HTTP endpoint for Subscription Manager Service (SMS). | |||
cds.multiTenancy.subscriptionManager.endpoint.path | String | /mt/sms/subscriptions | The base-path of the adapter endpoint. | |
cds.multiTenancy.subscriptionManager.endpoint.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.multiTenancy.dataSource | Properties for the multitenant aware datasource. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.dataSource.pool | String | hikari | Pool to use for the multitenant-aware datasource. Possible values are: hikari , tomcat . | |
cds.multiTenancy.dataSource.hanaEncryptionMode | String | Optional tenant encryption mode used by the HANA database. Possible values are DEDICATED_KEY and MANAGED_KEY. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.dataSource.combinePools | Properties to control how the connection pools are maintained. This allows to configure, that the connection pools for tenants contained in the same database are combined. Instead of having a dedicated connection pool for each tenant schema. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.dataSource.combinePools.enabled | boolean | false | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.multiTenancy.serviceManager | Properties for the service-manager client. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.serviceManager.cacheRefreshInterval | Duration | PT2M | The cache refresh interval (as Duration). | |
cds.multiTenancy.serviceManager.tokenRetrievalTimeout | Duration | PT30S | The oauth token retrieval timeout (as Duration). | | | Properties for authorization. | ||| | String | mtcallback | The scope by which the subscription endpoints are authorized. | |
cds.multiTenancy.sidecar | Properties for the MTX sidecar client. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.sidecar.url | String | The URL of the MTX sidecar. Setting this property, in combination with a present service-manager service binding, activates the MTX features. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.sidecar.pollingTimeout | Duration | PT20M | Specifies the maximum waiting time for the operation to finish. | |
cds.multiTenancy.appUi | Properties for the URL to the application's UI endpoints. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.appUi.url | String | The URL to the application's UI, used for the 'Go to Application' link. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.appUi.tenantSeparator | String | The separator for the tenant in the URL. Possible values are: . , - . | ||
cds.multiTenancy.healthCheck | Properties for health check of the multitenant-aware datasource. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.healthCheck.healthCheckStatement | String | The statement that is used when executing a health check of the multitenant-aware datasource. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.healthCheck.interval | Duration | PT10S | The time a health check result is cached and no further health checks are performed. | |
cds.multiTenancy.healthCheck.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.multiTenancy.liquibase | Properties for DB lifecycle management via Liquibase. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.liquibase.changeLog | String | /db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml | The location of the master Liquibase file. | |
cds.multiTenancy.liquibase.contexts | String | Optional: Comma separated list of active contexts. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.provisioning | Properties for the ProvisioningService from @sap/cds-mtxs. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.provisioning.url | String | URL of the provisioning service. If not specified, cds.multitenancy.sidecar.url is taken as default. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.provisioning.pollingTimeout | Duration | PT10M | Specifies the maximum waiting time for the provisioning operation to finish. | |
cds.multiTenancy.mock | Properties for the SQLite-based MTX mock for local development and testing. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.mock.sqliteDirectory | String | Path to the directory to start looking for SQLite database files. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.mock.enabled | boolean | Determines, if it is enabled. | ||
cds.multiTenancy.dependencies | Properties for automatically reported subscription dependencies. | |||
cds.multiTenancy.dependencies.destination | boolean | false | Indicates if a subscription dependency should be registered for a bound service instance of Destination service. | |
cds.persistence | Properties for persistence services. | ||| | Properties for persistence services. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the persistence service name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.name | String | The name of the persistence service. | ||<key>.binding | String | The name of the service binding used for this persistence service. If not set, the name is used. | ||<key>.dataSource | String | The name of the existing data source. If not set, the auto-configured data source of the binding is used. | ||<key>.transactionManager | String | The name of the existing transaction manager. If not set, the transaction manager is automatically created. | ||<key>.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.persistence.changeSet | Properties for ChangeSetContexts. | |||
cds.persistence.changeSet.enforceTransactional | boolean | true | Determines, if a ChangeSetContext should be always marked as transactional.Setting this to false allows avoiding transactions for Select queries. | |
cds.application | Properties for application services. | ||| | Properties for application services. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the application service name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.name | String | The name of the application service. | ||<key>.model | String | The qualified name of the CDS service, which is the model definition of this application service. It defaults to the name of the application service itself. | ||<key>.serve | Properties to configure how this service is served by protocol adapters. | |||<key>.serve.ignore | boolean | false | Determines, if the service is ignored by protocol adapters. | |<key>.serve.path | String | The path this service should be served at by protocol adapters. The path is appended to the protocol adapter's base path. If a service is served by multiple protocol adapters, each adapter serves the service under this path. | ||<key>.serve.protocols | List | The list of protocols adapters this service should be served by. By default the service is served by all available protocol adapters. Possible values are: odata-v4 , odata-v2 . | ||<key>.serve.endpoints | Properties to control more fine-grained under which endpoints this service is served. These properties override the more general properties paths and protocols . | |||<key>.serve.endpoints.<index>.path | String | The path, this endpoint should be served at by the protocol adapter. The path is appended to the protocol adapter's base path. | ||<key>.serve.endpoints.<index>.protocol | String | The protocol adapter that serves this endpoint. Possible values are: odata-v4 , odata-v2 . | ||
cds.remote | Properties for remote services. | ||| | Properties for remote services. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the application service name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.name | String | The name of the remote service. | ||<key>.model | String | The qualified name of the CDS service, which is the model definition of this remote service. It defaults to the name of the remote service itself. | ||<key>.type | String | odata-v4 | The protocol type of the destination. Possible values are: odata-v4 , odata-v2 and hcql . | |<key>.http | Properties to configure http requests for this remote service. | |||<key>.http.suffix | String | A suffix for the remote service, that is appended to the remote service's URL. | ||<key>.http.service | String | The name of the modelled service, that is appended to the remote service's URL (after the suffix). It defaults to the qualified name of the model definition. | ||<key>.http.headers | Map | A map of headers and their values, to be added to every outgoing request. | ||<key>.http.queries | Map | A map of query parameters and their values, to be added to every outgoing request. | ||<key>.http.csrf | Properties to configure CSRF token requests for this service. | |||<key>.http.csrf.enabled | boolean | false | Determines, if it is enabled. | |<key>.destination | Properties to configure a remote destination for this remote service. | |||<key> | String | The name of the destination in the destination service or SAP Cloud SDK destination accessor. | ||<key> | Map | A map of generic destination properties supported by SAP Cloud SDK. These properties are used to dynamically build a destination. | ||<key>.destination.retrievalStrategy | String | The retrieval strategy used, when loading destinations from SAP BTP Destination Service. See for possible values. | ||<key>.destination.tokenExchangeStrategy | String | The token exchange strategy used, when loading destinations from SAP BTP Destination Service. See for possible values. | ||<key>.binding | Properties to configure a service binding for this remote service. | |||<key> | String | The name of the service binding which provides the credentials. | ||<key>.binding.onBehalfOf | String | currentUser | Determines the user and tenant context that is used. Possible values are: currentUser , systemUser and systemUserProvider | |<key>.binding.options | Map | A map of additional options that are used to enrich the used service binding. The supported options depend on the type of service binding that is used. Possible options are: url for service bindings of type xsuaa | ||
cds.locales | Properties for locale configurations. | |||
cds.locales.normalization | Properties to configure how locales should be normalized. | |||
cds.locales.normalization.defaults | boolean | true | Determines, if the non-normalization include list, as described in the documentation, is applied. | |
cds.locales.normalization.includeList | List | The list of additional locales to add to the include list of non-normalized locales. | ||
cds.errors | Properties for error handling. | |||
cds.errors.extended | boolean | false | Determines, if error messages are automatically extended with additional debug information (only for development). | |
cds.errors.combined | boolean | true | Determines, if validation error messages are collected and exceptions are thrown at the end of the Before event handler phase. | |
cds.errors.stackMessages | Properties to configure how error messages from the framework are treated. If turned off, only framework error messages, that are explicitly localized are returned. Other errors are mapped to their plain HTTP error code representation. | |||
cds.errors.stackMessages.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.errors.defaultTranslations | Properties to configure how default translations from the framework are used. | |||
cds.errors.defaultTranslations.enabled | boolean | false | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.drafts | Properties for draft-enabled entities. | |||
cds.drafts.cancellationTimeout | Duration | PT15M | The maximum amount of time, since the last change, an entity instance is locked by the user who is editing its draft version. | |
cds.drafts.deletionTimeout | Duration | PT720H | The maximum amount of time a draft is kept, before it is garbage collected. | |
cds.drafts.persistence | String | joint | Determines the persistence mode for draft-enabled entities. In case of joint persistencequeries with JOINs between databases tables/views of active instances and databases tables of draft instances can occur. If set to split such queries are avoided.Possible values are: joint , split . | |
cds.drafts.gc | Properties to configure the automatic draft garbage collection. | |||
cds.drafts.gc.interval | Duration | PT6H | The interval, in which the automatic draft garbage collection is triggered. | |
cds.drafts.gc.maxPause | Duration | PT5M | The max duration the draft GC timer task pauses in between processing GCs of different tenants. | |
cds.drafts.gc.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.query | Properties for augmentation of CQN queries. | |||
cds.query.limit | Properties for server-driven paging. | |||
cds.query.limit.default | int | 0 | The default page size for server-driven paging. Setting this property to 0 or -1 disables the default page size. | |
cds.query.limit.max | int | 1000 | The maximum page size for server-driven paging. Setting this property to 0 or -1 disables the maximum page size. | |
cds.query.limit.reliablePaging | Properties for reliable server-driven paging, based on last row of ordered result. | |||
cds.query.limit.reliablePaging.enabled | boolean | false | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.query.implicitSorting | Properties for the implicit-sorting feature. | |||
cds.query.implicitSorting.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.sql | Properties for SQL generation. | |||
cds.sql.maxBatchSize | int | 1000 | The JDBC batch size used for batch and bulk operations. | |
cds.sql.hana | Configuration properties for an SQL generation on SAP HANA. | |||
cds.sql.hana.ignoreLocale | boolean | false | If set to true , this property completely disables locale specific handling on SAP HANA. | |
cds.sql.hana.optimizationMode | String | hex | Sets the optimization mode for SAP HANA. The mode hex generates SQL that isoptimized exclusively for the HANA Cloud HEX engine. The mode legacy generates SQL, which is not optimized for the HEX engine and can also run on SAP HANA 2.x (HaaS). | | | Properties for search on SAP HANA Cloud. | ||| | boolean | false | If set to true , fuzzy search on SAP HANA Cloud is activated.Requires cds.sql.hana.optimizationMode: hex | | | BigDecimal | 0.8 | The least level of fuzziness, searchable elements need to have to be considered in a fuzzy search. The value can be in the inclusive range of 0 to 1, where 1 means no fuzziness (exact search). | |
cds.sql.inlineCount | Configuration properties for an SQL generation related to inline count. | |||
cds.sql.inlineCount.mode | String | auto | Sets the inline-count mode. Possible values are: auto , window-function and query | |
cds.auditLog | Properties for AuditLog configuration. | |||
cds.auditLog.v2 | Configuration of the AuditLog V2 feature. | |||
cds.auditLog.v2.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.auditLog.personalData | Configuration of the Personal Data handler. | |||
cds.auditLog.personalData.throwOnMissingDataSubject | boolean | true | If set to {@code true} and the data subject is missing, a ServiceException is thrown. | |
cds.auditLog.personalData.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.auditLog.personalData.logRead | If set to {@code true}, audit logging of access to sensitive personal data is enabled. | |||
cds.auditLog.personalData.logRead.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.auditLog.outbox | Properties to configure AuditLog usage of Outbox. | ||| | String | DefaultOutboxUnordered | The name of the outbox service to use. If not available or set, the in-memory outbox is used as fallback. | |
cds.auditLog.outbox.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.auditLog.connectionPool | Properties to configure the HTTP connection pool for AuditLog usage. | |||
cds.auditLog.connectionPool.maxConnections | Integer | 200 | The max amount of connections in the pool. | |
cds.auditLog.connectionPool.maxConnectionsPerRoute | Integer | 20 | The max amount of connections from the pool per route | |
cds.auditLog.connectionPool.timeout | Duration | PT1M | The threshold for connect timeout, socket timeout and connection request timeout. | |
cds.auditLog.connectionPool.combinePools | Properties to control how the http connection pools are maintained. This allows to configure, whether all tenants will share a common http connection pool instead of having a dedicated http connection pool for each tenant. | |||
cds.auditLog.connectionPool.combinePools.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.outbox | Properties for Outbox configuration. | |||
cds.outbox.inMemory | Properties for the in-memory Outbox. | |||
cds.outbox.inMemory.emitDuringChangeSetContext | boolean | false | Specifies whether the outbox emits the event during the current ChangeSetContext or afterwards.In case the ChangeSetContext wraps a DB transaction, it needs to be considered thatemitted messages during the transaction can't be rolled back on cancelled transaction. Messages being emitted after the transaction might get lost, after transaction has been committed successful. | |
cds.outbox.inMemory.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |
cds.outbox.persistent | Properties for the persistent Outbox. | |||
cds.outbox.persistent.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | | | Properties for Outbox services. The key can be chosen arbitrarily and is used as the outbox service name, if the name property is not explicitly defined.In addition it can be leveraged to split configuration across multiple profiles. | |||<key>.name | String | The name of the Outbox service. | ||<key>.maxAttempts | int | 10 | Specifies the maximum number of attempts to emit a message stored in the Outbox. Messages that have reached the maximum number of attempts are ignored by the Outbox and need to be handled by the application. | |<key>.ordered | boolean | true | Controls how messages are published by the outbox. If set to true , the messages are sequentially published exactly in the order they were stored in the Outbox.If set to false , the messages are allowed to be published in random order and in parallel. | |<key>.observable | boolean | true | Controls whether the outbox records telemetry information for observability purposes. | |<key>.checkVersion | boolean | true | Determines, if message versions are checked to avoid processing newer messages in older application deployments. | |<key>.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. | |<key>.storeLastError | Controls storing the error message of the last error in the Outbox. | |||<key>.storeLastError.enabled | boolean | true | Determines, if it is enabled. |