Query Language (CQL)
CDS Query Language (CQL) is based on standard SQL, which it enhances by...
Postfix Projections
CQL allows to put projections, that means, the SELECT
clause, behind the FROM
clause enclosed in curly braces. For example, the following are equivalent:
SELECT name, address.street from Authors
SELECT from Authors { name, address.street }
Nested Expands beta
Postfix projections can be appended to any column referring to a struct element or an association and hence be nested. This allows expand results along associations and hence read deeply structured documents:
SELECT from Authors {
name, address { street, town { name, country }}
This actually executes three correlated queries to authors, addresses, and towns and returns a structured result set like that:
results = [
name: 'Victor Hugo',
address: {
street: '6 Place des Vosges', town: {
name: 'Paris',
country: 'France'
}, {
name: 'Emily Brontë', …
}, …
This is rather a feature tailored to NoSQL databases and has no equivalent in standard SQL as it requires structured result sets. Some SQL vendors allow things like that with non-scalar subqueries in SELECT clauses.
Nested Expands following to-many associations are not supported.
As the name of the struct element or association preceding the postfix projection appears in the result set, an alias can be provided for it:
SELECT from Authors {
name, address as residence { street, town as city { name, country }}
The result set now is:
results = [
name: 'Victor Hugo',
residence: {
street: '6 Place des Vosges', city: {
name: 'Paris',
country: 'France'
}, …
Nested Expands can contain expressions. In addition, it's possible to define new structures that aren't present in the data source. In this case an alias is mandatory and is placed behind the {…}
SELECT from Books {
author { name, dateOfDeath - dateOfBirth as age },
{ stock as number, stock * price as value } as stock
The result set contains two structured elements:
results = [
title: 'Wuthering Heights',
author: {
name: 'Emily Brontë',
age: 30
stock: {
number: 12,
value: 133.32
}, …
Nested Inlines beta
Put a "."
before the opening brace to inline the target elements and avoid writing lengthy lists of paths to read several elements from the same target. For example:
SELECT from Authors {
name, address.{ street, town.{ name, country }}
… is equivalent to:
SELECT from Authors {
Nested Inlines can contain expressions:
SELECT from Books {
name, dateOfDeath - dateOfBirth as author_age,
address.town.{ concat(name, '/', country) as author_town }
The previous example is equivalent to the following:
SELECT from Books {
author.dateOfDeath - author.dateOfBirth as author_age,
concat(author.address.town.name, '/', author.address.town.country) as author_town
Smart *
Within postfix projections, the *
operator queries are handled slightly different than in plain SQL select clauses.
SELECT from Books { *, author.name as author }
Queries like in our example, would result in duplicate element effects for author
in SQL. In CQL, explicitly defined columns following an *
replace equally named columns that have been inferred before.
Excluding Clause
Use the excluding
clause in combination with SELECT *
to select all elements except for the ones listed in the exclude list.
SELECT from Books { * } excluding { author }
The effect is about late materialization of signatures and staying open to late extensions. For example, assume the following definitions:
entity Foo { foo : String; bar : String; car : String; }
entity Bar as select from Foo excluding { bar };
entity Boo as select from Foo { foo, car };
A SELECT * from Bar
would result into the same as a query of Boo
SELECT * from Bar --> { foo, car }
SELECT * from Boo --> { foo, car }
Now, assume a consumer of that package extends the definitions as follows:
extend Foo with { boo : String; }
With that, queries on Bar
and Boo
would return different results:
SELECT * from Bar --> { foo, car, boo }
SELECT * from Boo --> { foo, car }
In Nested Expands beta
If the *
selector is used following an association, it selects all elements of the association target. For example, the following queries are equivalent:
SELECT from Books { title, author { * } }
SELECT from Books { title, author { ID, name, dateOfBirth, … } }
A *
selector following a struct element selects all elements of the structure and thus is equivalent to selecting the struct element itself. The following queries are all equivalent:
SELECT from Authors { name, struc { * } }
SELECT from Authors { name, struc { elem1, elem2 } }
SELECT from Authors { name, struc }
The excluding
clause can also be used for Nested Expands:
SELECT from Books { title, author { * } excluding { dateOfDeath, placeOfDeath } }
In Nested Inlines beta
The expansion of *
in Nested Inlines is analogous. The following queries are equivalent:
SELECT from Books { title, author.{ * } }
SELECT from Books { title, author.{ ID, name, dateOfBirth, … } }
The excluding
clause can also be used for Nested Inlines:
SELECT from Books { title, author.{ * } excluding { dateOfDeath, placeOfDeath } }
Path Expressions
Use path expressions to navigate along associations and/or struct elements in any of the SQL clauses as follows:
In from
SELECT from Authors[name='Emily Brontë'].books;
SELECT from Books:authors.towns;
In select
SELECT title, author.name from Books;
SELECT *, author.address.town.name from Books;
In where
SELECT from Books where author.name='Emily Brontë'
The same is valid for group by
, having
, and order by
Path Expressions in from
Path expressions in from clauses allow to fetch only those entries from a target entity, which are associated to a parent entity. They unfold to SEMI JOINS in plain SQL queries. For example, the previous mentioned queries would unfold to the following plain SQL counterparts:
SELECT 1 from Authors WHERE Authors.ID = Books.author_ID
AND Authors.name='Emily Brontë'
SELECT 1 from Authors WHERE Authors.town_ID = Towns.ID AND EXISTS (
SELECT 1 from Books WHERE Books.author_ID = Authors.ID
Path Expressions in All Other Clauses
Path expressions in all other clauses are very much like standard SQL's column expressions with table aliases as single prefixes. CQL essentially extends the standard behavior to paths with multiple prefixes, each resolving to a table alias from a corresponding LEFT OUTER JOIN
. For example, the path expressions in the previous mentioned queries would unfold to the following plain SQL queries:
-- plain SQL
SELECT Books.title, author.name from Books
LEFT JOIN Authors author ON author.ID = Books.author_ID;
-- plain SQL
SELECT Books.*, author_address_town.name from Books
LEFT JOIN Authors author ON author.ID = Books.author_ID
LEFT JOIN Addresses author_address ON author_address.ID = author.address_ID
LEFT JOIN Towns author_address_town ON author_address_town.ID = author_address.town_ID;
-- plain SQL
SELECT Books.* from Books
LEFT JOIN Authors author ON author.ID = Books.author_ID
WHERE author.name='Emily Brontë'
All column references get qualified → in contrast to plain SQL joins there's no risk of ambiguous or conflicting column names.
With Infix Filters
Append infix filters to associations in path expressions to narrow the resulting joins. For example:
SELECT books[genre='Mystery'].title from Authors
WHERE name='Agatha Christie'
... unfolds to:
SELECT books.title from Authors
LEFT JOIN Books books ON ( books.author_ID = Authors.ID )
AND ( books.genre = 'Mystery' ) //--> from Infix Filter
WHERE Authors.name='Agatha Christie';
If an infix filter effectively reduces the cardinality of a to-many association to one, make this explicit with:
SELECT name, books[1: favorite=true].title from Authors
Exists Predicate
Use a filtered path expression to test if any element of the associated collection matches the given filter:
SELECT FROM Authors {name} WHERE EXISTS books[year = 2000]
...unfolds to:
SELECT name FROM Authors
WHERE Books.author_id = Authors.id
AND Books.year = 2000
Exists predicates can be nested:
SELECT FROM Authors { name }
WHERE EXISTS books[year = 2000 and EXISTS pages[wordcount > 1000]]
A path with several associations is rewritten as nested exists predicates. The previous query is equivalent to the following query.
SELECT FROM Authors { name }
WHERE EXISTS books[year = 2000].pages[wordcount > 1000]
Paths inside the filter are not yet supported.
Casts in CDL
There are two different constructs commonly called casts. SQL casts and CDL casts. The former produces SQL casts when rendered into SQL, whereas the latter does not:
SELECT cast (foo+1 as Decimal) as bar from Foo; -- standard SQL
SELECT from Foo { foo+1 as bar : Decimal }; -- CDL-style
learn more about CDL type definitions
Use SQL casts when you actually want a cast in SQL. CDL casts are useful for expressions such as foo+1
as the compiler does not deduce types. For the OData backend, by specifying a type, the compiler will also assign the correct EDM type in the generated EDM(X) files.
You don't need a CDL cast if you already use a SQL cast. The compiler will extract the type from the SQL cast.
Use enums
In queries, you can use enum symbols instead of the respective literals in places where the corresponding type can be deduced:
type Status : String enum { open; closed; in_progress; };
entity OpenOrder as projection on Order {
case status when #open then 0
when #in_progress then 1 end
as status_int : Integer,
(status = #in_progress ? 'is in progress' : 'is open')
as status_txt : String,
} where status = #open or status = #in_progress;
Association Definitions
Query-Local Mixins
Use the mixin...into
clause to logically add unmanaged associations to the source of the query, which you can use and propagate in the query's projection. This is only supported in postfix notation.
SELECT from Books mixin {
localized : Association to LocalizedBooks on localized.ID = ID;
} into {
ID, localized.title
In the select list
Define an unmanaged association directly in the select list of the query to add the association to the view's signature. This association cannot be used in the query itself. In contrast to mixins, these association definitions are also possible in projections.
entity BookReviews as select from Reviews {
subject as bookID,
book : Association to Books on book.ID = bookID
In the ON condition you can, besides target elements, only reference elements of the select list. Elements of the query's data sources are not accessible.
This syntax can also be used to add new unmanaged associations to a projection or view via extend
extend BookReviews with columns {
subject as bookID,
book : Association to Books on book.ID = bookID