Conceptual Definition Language (CDL)
The Conceptual Definition Language (CDL) is a human-readable language for defining CDS models. Sources are commonly provided in files with.cds
extensions and get compiled into CSN representations. Following sections provide a reference of all language constructs in CDL, which also serves as a reference of all corresponding CDS concepts and features.
Language Preliminaries
Keywords & Identifiers
Keywords in CDL are used to prelude statements, such as imports and namespace directives as well as entity and type declarations. Identifiers are used to refer to definitions.
namespace capire.bookshop;
using { managed } from `@sap/cds/common`;
aspect entity : managed { key ID: Integer }
entity Books : entity {
title : String;
author : Association to Authors;
entity Authors : entity {
name : String;
In the example above entity
shows up as a keyword, as well as an identifier of an aspect declaration and references to that.
Keywords are case-insensitive, but are most commonly used in lowercase notation.
Identifiers are case-significant, that is, Foo
and foo
would identify different things.
Identifiers have to comply to /[$A-Za-z_]\w*/
or be enclosed in ![
like that:
type ![Delimited Identifier] : String;
Avoid using delimited identifiers
Delimited identifiers in general, but in particular non-ASCII characters, or keywords as identifiers should be avoided as much as possible, for reasons of interoperability.
Built-in Types
The following table lists the built-in types available to all CDS models, and can be used to define entity elements or custom types as follows:
entity Books {
key ID : UUID;
title : String(111);
stock : Integer;
price : Price;
type Price : Decimal;
These types are used to define the structure of entities and services, and are mapped to respective database types when the model is deployed.
CDS Type | Remarks | ANSI SQL (1) |
UUID | CAP generates RFC 4122-compliant UUIDs (2) | NVARCHAR(36) |
Boolean | Values: true , false , null , 0 , 1 | BOOLEAN |
Integer | Same as Int32 by default | INTEGER |
Int16 | Signed 16-bit integer, range [ -215 ... +215 ) | SMALLINT |
Int32 | Signed 32-bit integer, range [ -231 ... +231 ) | INTEGER |
Int64 | Signed 64-bit integer, range [ -263 ... +263 ) | BIGINT |
UInt8 | Unsigned 8-bit integer, range [ 0 ... 255 ] | TINYINT (3) |
Decimal (prec , scale ) | A decfloat type is used if arguments are omitted | DECIMAL |
Double | Floating point with binary mantissa | DOUBLE |
Date | e.g. 2022-12-31 | DATE |
Time | e.g. 24:59:59 | TIME |
DateTime | sec precision | TIMESTAMP |
Timestamp | µs precision, with up to 7 fractional digits | TIMESTAMP |
String (length ) | Default length: 255; on HANA: 5000 (4) | NVARCHAR |
Binary (length ) | Default length: 255; on HANA: 5000 (5) | VARBINARY |
LargeBinary | Unlimited data, usually streamed at runtime | BLOB |
LargeString | Unlimited data, usually streamed at runtime | NCLOB |
Map | Mapped to NCLOB for HANA. | JSON type |
Vector (dimension ) | Requires SAP HANA Cloud QRC 1/2024, or later | REAL_VECTOR |
entity Books {
key ID : UUID;
title : String(111);
stock : Integer;
price : Price;
type Price : Decimal;
These types are used to define the structure of entities and services, and are mapped to respective database types when the model is deployed.
(1) Concrete mappings to specific databases may differ.
(2) See also Best Practices.
(3) Not available on PostgreSQL and H2.
(4) Configurable through
.(5) Configurable through
See also...
Additional Reuse Types and Aspects by @sap/cds/common
The following literals can be used in CDL (mostly as in JavaScript, Java, and SQL):
true , false , null // as in all common languages
11 , 2.4 , 1e3, 1.23e-11 // for numbers
'A string''s literal' // for strings
`A string\n paragraph` // for strings with escape sequences
{ foo:'boo', bar:'car' } // for records
[ 1, 'two', {three:4} ] // for arrays
Learn more about literals and their representation in CSN.
Date & Time Literals
In addition, type-keyword-prefixed strings can be used for date & time literals:
Multiline String Literals
Use string literals enclosed in single or triple backticks for multiline strings:
@escaped: `OK Emoji: \u{1f197}`
@multiline: ```
This is a CDS multiline string.
- The indentation is stripped.
- \u{0055}nicode escape sequences are possible,
just like common escapes from JavaScript such as
\r \t \n and more! ```
@data: ```xml
The tag is ignored by the core-compiler but may be
used for syntax highlighting, similar to markdown.
</main> ```
entity DocumentedEntity {
// ...
Within those strings, escape sequences from JavaScript, such as \t
or \u0020
, are supported. Line endings are normalized. If you don't want a line ending at that position, end a line with a backslash (\
). For string literals inside triple backticks, indentation is stripped and tagging is possible.
Model Imports
The using
Using directives allows to import definitions from other CDS models. As shown in line three below you can specify aliases to be used subsequently. You can import single definitions as well as several ones with a common namespace prefix. Optional: Choose a local alias.
using from './contexts';
using from './contexts';
using as specified from './contexts';
entity Car : Bar {} //> :
entity Moo : nested.Zoo {} //> :
entity Zoo : specified.Zoo {} //> :
Multiple named imports through ES6-like deconstructors:
using { Foo as Moo, sub.Bar } from './base-model';
entity Boo : Moo { /*...*/ }
entity Car : Bar { /*...*/ }
Also in the deconstructor variant of
shown in the previous example, specify fully qualified names.
Model Resolution
Imports in cds
work very much like require
in Node.js and import
s in ES6. In fact, we reuse Node's module loading mechanisms. Hence, the same rules apply:
- Relative path resolution
Names starting with./
are resolved relative to the current model. - Resolving absolute references
Names starting with/
are resolved absolute to the file system. - Resolving module references
Names starting with neither.
such as@sap/cds/common
are fetched for innode_modules
folders:- Files having .cds, .csn, or .json as suffixes, appended in order
- Folders, from either the file set in
in the folder's package.json orindex.<cds|csn|json>
To allow for loading from precompiled .json files it's recommended to omit .cds suffixes in import statements, as shown in the provided examples.
The namespace
To prefix the names of all subsequent definitions, place a namespace
directive at the top of a model. This is comparable to other languages, like Java.
entity Foo {} //>
entity Bar : Foo {} //>
A namespace is not an object of its own. There is no corresponding definition in CSN.
The context
Use contexts
for nested namespace sections.
entity Foo {} //>
context scoped {
entity Bar : Foo {} //>
context nested {
entity Zoo {} //>
Scoped Definitions
You can define types and entities with other definitions' names as prefixes:
entity Foo {} //>
entity Foo.Bar {} //>
type Foo.Bar.Car {} //>
Fully Qualified Names
A model ultimately is a collection of definitions with unique, fully qualified names. For example, the second model above would compile to this CSN:
"": { "kind": "entity" },
"": { "kind": "context" },
"": { "kind": "entity",
"includes": [ "" ]
"": { "kind": "context" },
"": { "kind": "entity" }
CDL supports line-end, block comments, and doc comments as in Java and JavaScript:
// line-end comment
/* block comment */
/** doc comment */
Doc Comments
A multi-line comment of the form /** … */
at an annotation position is considered a doc comment:
* I am the description for "Employee"
entity Employees {
key ID : Integer;
* I am the description for "name"
name : String;
The text of a doc comment is stored in CSN in the property doc
. When generating OData EDM(X), it appears as value for the annotation @Core.Description
When generating output for deployment to SAP HANA, the first paragraph of a doc comment is translated to the HANA COMMENT
feature for tables, table columns, and for views (but not for view columns):
CREATE TABLE Employees (
name NVARCHAR(...) COMMENT 'I am the description for "name"'
) COMMENT 'I am the description for "Employee"'
Propagation of doc comments can be stopped via an empty one: /** */
In CAP Node.js, doc comments need to be switched on when calling the compiler:
cds compile foo.cds --docs
cds.compile(..., { docs: true })
Doc comments are enabled by default in CAP Java.
In CAP Java, doc comments are automatically enabled by the CDS Maven Plugin. In generated interfaces they are converted to corresponding Javadoc comments.
Entities & Type Definitions
- Entity Definitions
- Type Definitions
- Structured Types
- Arrayed Types
- Virtual Elements
- Calculated elements
- Default Values
- Type References
- Constraints
- Enums
Entity Definitions
Entities are structured types with named and typed elements, representing sets of (persisted) data that can be read and manipulated using usual CRUD operations. They usually contain one or more designated primary key elements:
define entity Employees {
key ID : Integer;
name : String;
jobTitle : String;
keyword is optional, that meansdefine entity Foo
is equal toentity Foo
Type Definitions
You can declare custom types to reuse later on, for example, for elements in entity definitions. Custom-defined types can be simple, that is derived from one of the predefined types, structure types or Associations.
define type User : String(111);
define type Amount {
value : Decimal(10,3);
currency : Currency;
define type Currency : Association to Currencies;
keyword is optional, that meansdefine type Foo
is equal totype Foo
Learn more about Definitions of Named Aspects.
Structured Types
You can declare and use custom struct types as follows:
type Amount {
value : Decimal(10,3);
currency : Currency;
entity Books {
price : Amount;
Elements can also be specified with anonymous inline struct types. For example, the following is equivalent to the definition of Books
entity Books {
price : {
value : Decimal(10,3);
currency : Currency;
You can declare structured types based on other definitions using the projection on
syntax. You can use nested projections or aliases as known from entity projections. Only the effective signature of the projection is relevant.
type CustomerData : projection on Customer {
name.firstName, // select from structures
address as customerAddress, // aliases
Arrayed Types
Prefix a type specification with array of
or many
to signify array types.
entity Foo { emails: many String; }
entity Bar { emails: many { kind:String; address:String; }; }
entity Car { emails: many EmailAddress; }
entity Car { emails: EmailAddresses; }
type EmailAddresses : many { kind:String; address:String; }
type EmailAddress : { kind:String; address:String; }
andarray of
are mere syntax variants with identical semantics and implementations.
When deployed to SQL databases, such fields are mapped to LargeString columns and the data is stored denormalized as JSON array. With OData V4, arrayed types are rendered as Collection
in the EDM(X).
Filter expressions, instance-based authorization and search are not supported on arrayed elements.
Null Values
For arrayed types the null
and not null
constraints apply to the members of the collections. The default is not null
indicating that the collections can't hold null
An empty collection is represented by an empty JSON array. A null
value is invalid for an element with arrayed type.
In the following example the collection emails
may hold members that are null
. It may also hold a member where the element kind
is null
. The collection emails
itself must not be null
entity Bar {
emails : many {
kind : String null;
address : String not null;
} null; // -> collection emails may hold null values, overwriting default
Virtual Elements
An element definition can be prefixed with modifier keyword virtual
. This keyword indicates that this element isn't added to persistent artifacts, that is, tables or views in SQL databases. Virtual elements are part of OData metadata.
By default, virtual elements are annotated with @Core.Computed: true
, not writable for the client and will be silently ignored. This means also, that they are not accessible in custom event handlers. If you want to make virtual elements writable for the client, you explicitly need to annotate these elements with @Core.Computed: false
. Still those elements are not persisted and therefore, for example, not sortable or filterable.
entity Employees {
virtual something : String(11);
Calculated Elements
Elements of entities and aspects can be specified with a calculation expression, in which you can refer to other elements of the same entity/aspect. This can be either a value expression or an expression that resolves to an association.
Calculated elements with a value expression are read-only, no value must be provided for them in a WRITE operation. When reading such a calculated element, the result of the expression is returned. They come in two variants: "on-read" and "on-write". The difference between them is the point in time when the expression is evaluated.
entity Employees {
firstName : String;
lastName : String;
name : String = firstName || ' ' || lastName;
name_upper = upper(name);
addresses : Association to many Addresses;
city = addresses[kind='home'].city;
For a calculated element with "on-read" semantics, the calculation expression is evaluated when reading an entry from the entity. Using such a calculated element in a query or view definition is equivalent to writing the expression directly into the query, both with respect to semantics and to performance. In CAP, it is implemented by replacing each occurrence of a calculated element in a query by the respective expression.
Entity using calculated elements:
entity EmployeeView as select from Employees {
Equivalent entity:
entity EmployeeView as select from Employees {
firstName || ' ' || lastName as name : String,
addresses[kind='home'].city as city
Calculated elements "on-read" are a pure convenience feature. Instead of having to write the same expression several times in queries, you can define a calculated element once and then simply refer to it.
In the definition of a calculated element "on-read", you can use almost all expressions that are allowed in queries. Some restrictions apply:
- Subqueries are not allowed.
- Nested projections (inline/expand) are not allowed.
- A calculated element can't be key.
Like for views, the expressions are sent unchanged to the database, so you need to ensure that they work on your respective database system(s).
A calculated element can be used in every location where an expression can occur. A calculated element can't be used in the following cases:
- in the ON condition of an unmanaged association
- as the foreign key of a managed association
- in a query together with nested projections (inline/expand)
For the Node.js runtime, only the new database services under the @cap-js scope support this feature.
Calculated elements "on-write" (also referred to as "stored" calculated elements) are defined by adding the keyword stored
. A type specification is mandatory.
entity Employees {
firstName : String;
lastName : String;
name : String = (firstName || ' ' || lastName) stored;
For a calculated element "on-write", the expression is already evaluated when an entry is written into the database. The resulting value is then stored/persisted like a regular field, and when reading from the entity, it behaves like a regular field as well. Using a stored calculated element can improve performance, in particular when it's used for sorting or filtering. This is paid for by higher memory consumption.
While calculated elements "on-read" are handled entirely by CAP, the "on-write" variant is implemented by using the corresponding feature for database tables. The previous entity definition results in the following table definition:
-- SAP HANA syntax --
CREATE TABLE Employees (
firstName NVARCHAR,
lastName NVARCHAR,
name NVARCHAR GENERATED ALWAYS AS (firstName || ' ' || lastName)
For the definition of calculated elements on-write, all the on-read variant's restrictions apply and referencing localized elements isn't allowed. In addition, there are restrictions that depend on the particular database. Currently all databases supported by CAP have a common restriction: The calculation expression may only refer to fields of the same table row. Therefore, such an expression must not contain subqueries, aggregate functions, or paths with associations.
No restrictions apply for reading a calculated element on-write.
Association-like calculated elements
A calculated element can also define a filtered association/composition using infix filters:
entity Employees {
addresses : Association to many Addresses;
homeAddress = addresses [1: kind='home'];
For such a calculated element, no explicit type can be specified. Only a single association or composition can occur in the expression, and a filter must be specified.
The effect essentially is like publishing an association with an infix filter.
Default Values
As in SQL you can specify default values to fill in upon INSERTs if no value is specified for a given element.
entity Foo {
bar : String default 'bar';
boo : Integer default 1;
Default values can also be specified in custom type definitions:
type CreatedAt : Timestamp default $now;
type Complex {
real : Decimal default 0.0;
imag : Decimal default 0.0;
If the element has an enum type, you can use the enum symbol instead of a literal value:
type Status : String enum {open; closed;}
entity Order {
status : Status default #open;
Type References
If you want to base an element's type on another element of the same structure, you can use the type of
entity Author {
firstname : String(100);
lastname : type of firstname; // has type "String(100)"
For referencing elements of other artifacts, you can use the element access through :
. Element references with :
don't require type of
in front of them.
entity Employees {
firstname: Author:firstname;
lastname: Author:lastname;
Element definitions can be augmented with constraint not null
as known from SQL.
entity Employees {
name : String(111) not null;
You can specify enumeration values for a type as a semicolon-delimited list of symbols. For string types, declaration of actual values is optional; if omitted, the actual values are the string counterparts of the symbols.
type Gender : String enum { male; female; non_binary = 'non-binary'; }
entity Order {
status : Integer enum {
submitted = 1;
fulfilled = 2;
shipped = 3;
canceled = -1;
To enforce your enum values during runtime, use the @assert.range
annotation. For localization of enum values, model them as code list.
Views & Projections
Use as select from
or as projection on
to derive new entities from existing ones by projections, very much like views in SQL. When mapped to relational databases, such entities are in fact translated to SQL views but they're frequently also used to declare projections without any SQL views involved.
The entity signature is inferred from the projection.
The as select from
Use the as select from
variant to use all possible features an underlying relational database would support using any valid CQL query including all query clauses.
entity Foo1 as select from Bar; //> implicit {*}
entity Foo2 as select from Employees { * };
entity Foo3 as select from Employees LEFT JOIN Bar on Employees.ID=Bar.ID {
foo, bar as car, sum(boo) as moo
} where exists (
SELECT 1 as anyXY from SomeOtherEntity as soe where soe.x = y
group by foo, bar
order by moo asc;
The as projection on
Use the as projection on
variant instead of as select from
to indicate that you don't use the full power of SQL in your query. For example, having a restricted query in an entity allows us to serve such an entity from external OData services.
entity Foo as projection on Bar {...}
Currently, the restrictions of as projection on
compared to as select from
- no explicit, manual
- no explicit, manual
- no sub selects in from clauses
Over time, we can add additional checks depending on specific outbound protocols.
Views with Inferred Signatures
By default views inherit all properties and annotations from their primary underlying base entity. Their elements
signature is inferred from the projection on base elements. Each element inherits all properties from the respective base element, except the key
property. The key
property is only inherited if all of the following applies:
- No explicit
is set in the query. - All key elements of the primary base entity are selected (for example, by using
). - No path expression with a to-many association is used.
- No
or similar query construct is used.
For example, the following definition:
entity SomeView as select from Employees {
job.title as jobTitle
Might result in this inferred signature:
entity SomeView {
key ID: Integer;
name: String;
jobTitle: String;
Note: CAP does not enforce uniqueness for key elements of a view or projection.
Use a CDL cast to set an element's type, if one of the following conditions apply:
- You don't want to use the inferred type.
- The query column is an expression (no inferred type is computed).
entity SomeView as select from Employees {
ID : Integer64,
name : LargeString,
'SAP SE' as company : String
By using a cast, annotations and other properties are inherited from the provided type and not the base element, see Annotation Propagation
Views with Parameters
You can equip views with parameters that are passed in whenever that view is queried. Default values can be specified. Refer to these parameters in the view's query using the prefix :
entity SomeView ( foo: Integer, bar: Boolean )
as SELECT * from Employees where ID=:foo;
When selecting from a view with parameters, the parameters are passed by name. In the following example, UsingView
also has a parameter bar
that is passed down to SomeView
entity UsingView ( bar: Boolean )
as SELECT * from SomeView(foo: 17, bar: :bar);
For Node.js, there's no programmatic API yet. You need to provide a CQN snippet.
In CAP Java, run a select statement against the view with named parameter values:
SELECT.from({ ref: [{ id: 'UsingView', args: { bar: { val: true }}} ]} )
var params = Map.of("bar", true);
Result result ="UsingView"), params);
Learn more about how to expose views with parameters in Services - Exposed Entities.Learn more about views with parameters for existing HANA artifacts in Native SAP HANA Artifacts.
Associations capture relationships between entities. They are like forward-declared joins added to a table definition in SQL.
Unmanaged Associations
Unmanaged associations specify arbitrary join conditions in their on
clause, which refer to available foreign key elements. The association's name (address
in the following example) is used as the alias for the to-be-joined target entity.
entity Employees {
address : Association to Addresses on address.ID = address_ID;
address_ID : Integer; //> foreign key
entity Addresses {
key ID : Integer;
Managed (To-One) Associations
For to-one associations, CDS can automatically resolve and add requisite foreign key elements from the target's primary keys and implicitly add respective join conditions.
entity Employees {
address : Association to Addresses;
This example is equivalent to the unmanaged example above, with the foreign key element address_ID
being added automatically upon activation to a SQL database. The names of the automatically added foreign key elements cannot be changed.
Note: For adding foreign key constraints on database level, see Database Constraints..
If the target has a single primary key, a default value can be provided. This default applies to the generated foreign key element address_ID
entity Employees {
address : Association to Addresses default 17;
To-many Associations
For to-many associations specify an on
condition following the canonical expression pattern <assoc>.<backlink> = $self
as in this example:
entity Employees {
key ID : Integer;
addresses : Association to many Addresses
on addresses.owner = $self;
entity Addresses {
owner : Association to Employees; //> the backlink
The backlink can be any managed to-one association on the many side pointing back to the one side.
Many-to-many Associations
For many-to-many association, follow the common practice of resolving logical many-to-many relationships into two one-to-many associations using a link entity to connect both. For example:
entity Employees { [...]
addresses : Association to many Emp2Addr on addresses.emp = $self;
entity Emp2Addr {
key emp : Association to Employees;
key adr : Association to Addresses;
Learn more about Managed Compositions for Many-to-many Relationships.
Compositions constitute document structures through contained-in relationships. They frequently show up in to-many header-child scenarios.
entity Orders {
key ID: Integer; //...
Items : Composition of many Orders.Items on Items.parent = $self;
entity Orders.Items {
key pos : Integer;
key parent : Association to Orders;
product : Association to Products;
quantity : Integer;
Contained-in relationship
Essentially, Compositions are the same as associations, just with the additional information that this association represents a contained-in relationship so the same syntax and rules apply in their base form.
Limitations of Compositions of one
Using of compositions of one for entities is discouraged. There is often no added value of using them as the information can be placed in the root entity. Compositions of one have limitations as follow:
- Very limited Draft support. Fiori elements does not support compositions of one unless you take care of their creation in a custom handler.
- No extensive support for modifications over paths if compositions of one are involved. You must fill in foreign keys manually in a custom handler.
Managed Compositions of Aspects
Use managed compositions variant to nicely reflect document structures in your domain models, without the need for separate entities, reverse associations, and unmanaged on
With Inline Targets
entity Orders {
key ID: Integer; //...
Items : Composition of many {
key pos : Integer;
product : Association to Products;
quantity : Integer;
Managed Compositions are mostly syntactical sugar: Behind the scenes, they are unfolded to the unmanaged equivalent as shown above by automatically adding a new entity, the name of which being constructed as a scoped name from the name of parent entity, followed by the name of the composition element, that is Orders.Items
in the previous example. You can safely use this name at other places, for example to define an association to the generated child entity:
entity Orders {
// …
specialItem : Association to Orders.Items;
With Named Targets
Instead of anonymous target aspects you can also specify named aspects, which are unfolded the same way as anonymous inner types, as shown in the previous example:
entity Orders {
key ID: Integer; //...
Items : Composition of many OrderItems;
aspect OrderItems {
key pos : Integer;
product : Association to Products;
quantity : Integer;
Default Target Cardinality
If not otherwise specified, a managed composition of an aspect has the default target cardinality to-one.
For Many-to-many Relationships
Managed Compositions are handy for many-to-many relationships, where a link table usually is private to one side.
entity Teams { [...]
members : Composition of many { key user: Association to Users; }
entity Users { [...]
teams: Association to many Teams.members on teams.user = $self;
And here's an example of an attributed many-to-many relationship:
entity Teams { [...]
members : Composition of many {
key user : Association to Users;
role : String enum { Lead; Member; Collaborator; }
entity Users { ... }
To navigate between Teams and Users, you have to follow two associations: members.user
or teams.up_
. In OData, to get all users of all teams, use a query like the following:
GET /Teams?$expand=members($expand=user)
Publish Associations in Projections
As associations are first class citizens, you can put them into the select list of a view or projection ("publish") like regular elements. A select *
includes all associations. If you need to rename an association, you can provide an alias.
entity P_Employees as projection on Employees {
The effective signature of the projection contains an association addresses
with the same properties as association addresses
of entity Employees
Publish Associations with Infix Filter
When publishing an unmanaged association in a view or projection, you can add a filter condition. The ON condition of the resulting association is the ON condition of the original association plus the filter condition, combined with and
entity P_Authors as projection on Authors {
books[stock > 0] as availableBooks
In this example, in addition to books
projection P_Authors
has a new association availableBooks
that points only to those books where stock > 0
If the filter condition effectively reduces the cardinality of the association to one, you should make this explicit in the filter by adding a 1:
before the condition:
entity P_Employees as projection on Employees {
addresses[1: kind='home'] as homeAddress // homeAddress is to-one
Filters usually are provided only for to-many associations, which usually are unmanaged. Thus publishing with a filter is almost exclusively used for unmanaged associations. Nevertheless you can also publish a managed association with a filter. This will automatically turn the resulting association into an unmanaged one. You must ensure that all foreign key elements needed for the ON condition are explicitly published.
entity P_Books as projection on Books {
author.ID as authorID, // needed for ON condition of deadAuthor
author[dateOfDeath is not null] as deadAuthor // -> unmanaged association
Publishing a composition with a filter is similar, with an important difference: in a deep Update, Insert, or Delete statement the respective operation does not cascade to the target entities. Thus the type of the resulting element is set to cds.Association
Learn more about cds.Association
In SAP Fiori Draft, it behaves like an "enclosed" association, that means, it points to the target draft entity.
In the following example, singleItem
has type cds.Association
. In draft mode, navigating along singleItems
doesn't leave the draft tree.
entity P_orders as projection on Orders {
Items[quantity = 1] as singleItems
This section describes how to add Annotations to model definitions written in CDL, focused on the common syntax options, and fundamental concepts. Find additional information in the OData Annotations guide.
- Annotation Syntax
- Annotation Targets
- Annotation Values
- Expressions as Annotation Values
- Records as Syntax Shortcuts
- Annotation Propagation
- The
Directive - Extend Array Annotations
Annotation Syntax
Annotations in CDL are prefixed with an @
character and can be placed before a definition, after the defined name or at the end of simple definitions.
@before entity Foo @inner {
@before simpleElement @inner : String @after;
@before structElement @inner { /* elements */ }
Multiple annotations can be placed in each spot separated by whitespaces or enclosed in @(...)
and separated by comma - like the following are equivalent:
entity Foo @(
my.annotation: foo, 4711
) { /* elements */ }
@my.annotation:foo 4711
entity Foo { /* elements */ }
For an @inner
annotation, only the syntax @(...)
is available.
Using annotate
Instead of interspersing annotations with definitions, you can also use the annotate
directive to add annotations to existing definitions.
annotate Foo with @(
my.annotation: foo, 4711
Learn more about the annotate
directive in the Aspects chapter below.
Annotation Targets
You can basically annotate any named thing in a CDS model, such as:
Contexts and services:
@before context @inner { ... }
@before service Sue @inner { ... }
Definitions and elements with simple or struct types:
@before type Foo @inner : String @after;
@before entity Foo @inner {
@before key ID @inner : String @after;
@before title @inner : String @after;
@before struct @inner { ...elements... };
… status : String @inner enum {
open @after;
closed @after;
cancelled @after;
accepted @after;
rejected @after;
Columns in a view definition's query:
… as select from Foo {
@before expr as alias @inner : String,
Parameters in view definitions:
… with parameters (
@before param @(inner) : String @after
) …
Actions/functions including their parameters and result:
@before action doSomething @inner (
@before param @(inner) : String @after
) returns @before resultType;
Or in case of a structured result:
action doSomething() returns @before {
@before resultElem @inner : String @after;
Annotation Values
Values can be literals, references, or expressions. Expressions are explained in more detail in the next section. If no value is given, the default value is true
as for @aFlag
in the following example:
@aFlag //= true, if no value is given
@aBoolean: false
@aString: 'foo'
@anInteger: 11
@aDecimal: 11.1
@aSymbol: #foo
@anArray: [ /* can contain any kind of value */ ]
@anExpression: ( * 17 ) // expression, see next section
As described in the CSN spec, the previously mentioned annotations would compile to CSN as follows:
"@aFlag": true,
"@aBoolean": false,
"@aString": "foo",
"@anInteger": 11,
"@aDecimal": 11.1,
"@aSymbol": {"#":"foo"},
"@aReference": {"=":""},
"@anArray": [ /* … */ ],
"@anExpression": { /* see next section */ }
In contrast to references in expressions, plain references aren't checked, resolved, or rewritten by CDS parsers or linkers. They're interpreted and evaluated only on consumption-specific modules. For example, for SAP Fiori models, it's the 4odata and 2edm(x) processors.
Records as Syntax Shortcuts
Annotations in CDS are flat lists of key-value pairs assigned to a target. The record syntax - that is, {key:<value>, ...}
- is a shortcut notation that applies a common prefix to nested annotations. For example, the following are equivalent: 'wheels'
@Common: {, 'wheels' } { bar } 'wheels' { bar, car: 'wheels' }
and they would show up as follows in a parsed model (→ see CSN):
"": true,
"": "wheels"
Annotation Propagation
Annotations are inherited from types and base types to derived types, entities, and elements as well as from elements of underlying entities in case of views.
For example, given this view definition:
using Books from './bookshop-model';
entity BooksList as select from Books {
ID, genre : Genre, title, as author
would inherit annotations fromBooks
would inherit fromBooks:ID
would inherit
would inherit from typeGenre
The rules are:
Entity-level properties and annotations are inherited from the primary underlying source entity — here
.Each element that can unambiguously be traced back to a single source element, inherits that element's properties.
An explicit cast in the select clause cuts off the inheritance, for example, as for
in our previous example.
Propagation of annotations can be stopped via value null
, for example, @anno: null
Expressions as Annotation Values beta
In order to use an expression as an annotation value, it must be enclosed in parentheses:
@anExpression: ( * 11 )
Syntactically, the same expressions are supported as in a select item or in the where clause of a query, except subqueries. The expression can of course also be a single reference or a simple value:
@aRefExpr: ( )
@aValueExpr: ( 11 )
Some advantages of using expressions as "first class" annotation values are:
- syntax and references are checked by the compiler
- code completion
- automatic path rewriting in propagated annotations
- automatic translation of expressions in OData annotations
Elements that are not available to the compiler, for example the OData draft decoration, can't be used in annotation expressions.
Name resolution
Each path in the expression is checked:
- For an annotation assigned to an entity, the first path step is resolved as element of the entity.
- For an annotation assigned to an entity element, the first path step is resolved as the annotated element or its siblings.
- If the annotation is assigned to a subelement of a structured element, the top level elements of the entity can be accessed via
. - A parameter
can be accessed via:par
, just like parameters of a parametrized entity in queries. - For an annotation assigned to a bound action or function, elements of the respective entity can be accessed via
. - The draft-specific elements
, andHasDraftEntity
can be referred to with respective magic variables$draft.IsActiveEntity
, and$draft.HasDraftEntity
. During draft augmentation,$draft.<...>
is rewritten to$self.<...>
for all draft enabled entities (root and sub nodes, but not for named types or entity parameters). - If a path can't be resolved successfully, compilation fails with an error.
In contrast to @aReference:
, a single reference written as expression @aRefExpr: ( )
is checked by the compiler.
@MyAnno: (a) // reference to element
entity Foo (par: Integer) {
key ID : Integer;
@MyAnno: (:par) // reference to entity parameter
a : Integer;
@MyAnno: (a) // reference to sibling element
b : Integer;
s {
@MyAnno: (y) // reference to sibling element
x : Integer;
@MyAnno: ($self.a) // reference to top level element
y : Integer;
actions {
@MyAnno: ($self.a)
action A ()
CSN Representation
In CSN, the expression is represented as a record with two properties:
- A string representation of the expression is stored in property
. - A tokenized representation of the expression is stored in one of the properties
, etc. (like if the expression was written in a query).
"@anExpression": {
"=": " * 11",
"xpr": [ {"ref": ["foo", "bar"]}, "*", {"value": 11} ]
"@aRefExpr": {
"=": "",
"ref": ["foo", "bar"]
"@aValueExpr": {
"=": "11",
"val": 11
Note the different CSN representations for a plain value "@anInteger": 11
and a value written as expression @aValueExpr: ( 11 )
, respectively.
Annotations are propagated in views/projections, via includes, and along type references. If the annotation value is an expression, it is sometimes necessary to adapt references inside the expression during propagation, for example, when a referenced element is renamed in a projection. The compiler automatically takes care of the necessary rewriting. When a reference in an annotation expression is rewritten, the =
property is set to true
entity E {
@Common.Text: (text)
code : Integer;
text : String;
entity P as projection on E {
text as descr
When propagated to element code
of projection P
, the annotation is automatically rewritten to @Common.Text: (descr)
Resulting CSN
"definitions": {
"E": { // ...
"elements": { // ...
"code": {
// original annotation
"@Common.Text": { "=": "text",
"ref": ["text"] },
"type": "cds.Integer"
"text": {"type": "cds.String"}
"P": { // ...
"elements": { // ...
"code": {
// propagated annotation, reference adapted
"@Common.Text": { "=": true,
"ref": ["descr"] },
"type": "cds.Integer"
"descr": {"type": "cds.String"}
} } }
There are situations where automatic rewriting doesn't work, resulting in the compiler error anno-missing-rewrite
. Some of these situations are going to be addressed in upcoming releases.
CDS Annotations
Using an expression as annotation value only makes sense if the evaluator of the annotation is prepared to deal with the new CSN representation. Currently, the CAP runtimes only support expressions in the where
property of the @restrict
entity Orders @(restrict: [
{ grant: 'READ', to: 'Auditor', where: (AuditBy = $ }
]) {/*...*/}
More annotations are going to follow in upcoming releases.
Of course, you can use this feature also in your custom annotations, where you control the code that evaluates the annotations.
OData Annotations
The OData backend of the CAP CDS compiler supports expression-valued annotations. See Expressions in OData Annotations.
Extend Array Annotations
Usually, the annotation value provided in an annotate
directive overwrites an already existing annotation value.
If the existing value is an array, the ellipsis syntax allows to insert new values before or after the existing entries, instead of overwriting the complete array. The ellipsis represents the already existing array entries. Of course, this works with any kind of array entries.
This is a sample of an existing array:
@anArray: [3, 4] entity Foo { /* elements */ }
This shows how to extend the array:
annotate Foo with @anArray: [1, 2, ...]; //> prepend new values: [1, 2, 3, 4]
annotate Foo with @anArray: [..., 5, 6]; //> append new values: [3, 4, 5, 6]
annotate Foo with @anArray: [1, 2, ..., 5, 6]; //> prepend and append
It's also possible to insert new entries at arbitrary positions. For this, use ... up to
with a comparator value that identifies the insertion point.
[... up to <comparator>, newEntry, ...]
... up to
represents the existing entries of the array from the current position up to and including the first entry that matches the comparator. New entries are then inserted behind the matched entry. If there's no match, new entries are appended at the end of the existing array.
This is a sample of an existing array:
@anArray: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] entity Bar { /* elements */ }
This shows how to insert values after 2
and 4
annotate Bar with @anArray: [
... up to 2, // existing entries 1, 2
2.1, 2.2, // insert new entries 2.1, 2.2
... up to 4, // existing entries 3, 4
4.1, 4.2, // insert new entries 4.1, 4.2
... // remaining existing entries 5, 6
The resulting array is:
[1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6]
If your array entries are objects, you have to provide a comparator object. It matches an existing entry, if all attributes provided in the comparator match the corresponding attributes in an existing entry. The comparator object doesn't have to contain all attributes that the existing array entries have, simply choose those attributes that sufficiently characterize the array entry after which you want to insert. Only simple values are allowed for the comparator attributes.
Example: Insert a new entry after BeginDate
@UI.LineItem: [
{ $Type: 'UI.DataFieldForAction', Action: 'TravelService.acceptTravel', Label: '{i18n>AcceptTravel}' },
{ Value: TravelID, Label: 'ID' },
{ Value: BeginDate, Label: 'Begin' },
{ Value: EndDate, Label: 'End' }
entity TravelService.Travel { /* elements */ }
For this, you provide a comparator object with the attribute Value
annotate TravelService.Travel with @UI.LineItem: [
... up to { Value: BeginDate }, // ... up to with comparator object
{ Value: BeginWeekday, Label: 'Day of week' }, // new entry
... // remaining array entries
Only direct annotations can be extended using ...
. It's not supported to extend propagated annotations, for example, from aspects or types.
CDS's aspects allow to flexibly extend definitions by new elements as well as overriding properties and annotations. They're based on a mixin approach as known from Aspect-oriented Programming methods.
- The
Directive - The
Directive - Named Aspects
- Shortcut Syntax
- Extending Views / Projections
- See also: Aspect-oriented Modelling
The extend
Use extend
to add extension fields or to add/override metadata to existing definitions, for example, annotations, as follows:
extend Foo with @title:'Foo';
extend Bar with @title:'Bar' {
newField : String;
extend nestedStructField {
newField : String;
extend existingField @title:'Nested Field';
Note the nested extend
for existing fields
Make sure that you prepend the extend
keyword to nested elements if you want to modify them. Without that a new field with that name would be added. If you only want to add annotations to an existing field, you can use the annotate directive. instead.
You can also directly extend a single element:
extend Foo:nestedStructField with { newField : String; }
With extend
you can enlarge the length of a String or precision and scale of a Decimal:
extend User with (length:120);
extend Books:price.value with (precision:12,scale:3);
The extended type or element directly must have the respective property.
For multiple conflicting extend
statements, the last extend
wins, that means in three files a.cds <- b.cds <- c.cds
, where <-
means using from
, the extend
from c.cds
is applied, as it is the last in the dependency chain.
The annotate
The annotate
directive allows to annotate already existing definitions that may have been imported from other files or projects.
annotate Foo with @title:'Foo';
annotate Bar with @title:'Bar' {
nestedStructField {
existingField @title:'Nested Field';
is a shortcut for extend
The annotate
directive is essentially a shortcut variant of the extend
directive, with the default mode being switched to extend
ing existing fields instead of adding new ones. For example, the following is equivalent to the previous example:
extend Foo with @title:'Foo';
extend Bar with @title:'Bar' {
extend nestedStructField {
extend existingField @title:'Nested Field';
You can also directly annotate a single element:
annotate Foo:existingField @title: 'Simple Field';
annotate Foo:nestedStructField.existingField @title:'Nested Field';
Named Aspects
You can use extend
with predefined aspects, to apply the same extensions to multiple targets:
aspect NamedAspect {
created { at: Timestamp; _by: User; }
} actions {
action A() returns String;
extend Foo with NamedAspect;
extend Bar with NamedAspect;
By extending an entity with an aspect, you add all the aspect's fields, actions, and annotations to the entity.
Use keyword aspect
as shown in the example to declare definitions that are only meant to be used in such extensions, not as types for elements.
To reuse annotations, without adding elements, use an empty aspect and extend your target with it You can even extend projections with such aspects.
aspect ReuseAnnotations {};
entity Proj as projection on Bar;
extend Proj with ReuseAnnotations;
Includes -- :
as Shortcut Syntax
You can use an inheritance-like syntax option to extend a definition with one or more named aspects as follows:
define entity Foo : SomeAspect, AnotherAspect {
key ID : Integer;
name : String;
This is syntactical sugar and equivalent to using a sequence of extends as follows:
define entity Foo {}
extend Foo with SomeAspect;
extend Foo with AnotherAspect;
extend Foo with {
key ID : Integer;
name : String;
You can apply this to any definition of an entity or a structured type.
Extending Views and Projections
Use the extend <entity> with columns
variant to extend the select list of a projection or view entity and do the following:
- Include more elements existing in the underlying entity.
- Add new calculated fields.
- Add new unmanaged associations.
extend SomeView with columns {
foo as moo @woo,
1 + 1 as two,
bar : Association to Bar on bar.ID = moo
Enhancing nested structs isn't supported. Furthermore, the table alias of the view's data source is not accessible in such an extend.
You can use the common annotate
directive to just add/override annotations of a view's elements.
- Service Definitions
- Exposed Entities
- (Auto-) Redirected Associations
- Auto-exposed Targets
- Custom Actions/Functions
- Custom-defined Events
- Extending Services
Service Definitions
CDS allows to define service interfaces as collections of exposed entities enclosed in a service
block, which essentially is and acts the same as context
service SomeService {
entity SomeExposedEntity { ... };
entity AnotherExposedEntity { ... };
The endpoint of the exposed service is constructed by its name, following some conventions (the string service
is dropped and kebab-case is enforced). If you want to overwrite the path, you can add the @path
annotation as follows:
@path: 'myCustomServicePath'
service SomeService { ... }
Watch a short video by DJ Adams on how the @path
annotations works.
Exposed Entities
The entities exposed by a service are most frequently projections on entities from underlying data models. Standard view definitions, using as select from
or as projection on
, can be used for exposing entities.
service CatalogService {
entity Product as projection on data.Products {
*, as since
} excluding { created };
service MyOrders {
//> $user only implemented for SAP HANA
entity Order as select from data.Orders { * } where buyer=$;
entity Product as projection on CatalogService.Product;
You can optionally add annotations such as @readonly
or @insertonly
to exposed entities, which, will be enforced by the CAP runtimes in Java and Node.js.
Entities can be also exposed as views with parameters:
service MyOrders {
entity OrderWithParameter( foo: Integer ) as select from data.Orders where id=:foo;
A parametrized view like modeled in the section on view with parameter
can be exposed as follows:
service SomeService {
entity ViewInService( p1: Integer, p2: Boolean ) as select from data.SomeView(foo: :p1, bar: :p2) {*};
Then the OData request for views with parameters should look like this:
GET: /OrderWithParameter(foo=5)/Set or GET: /OrderWithParameter(5)/Set
GET: /ViewInService(p1=5, p2=true)/Set
To expose an entity, it's not necessary to be lexically enclosed in the service definition. An entity's affiliation to a service is established using its fully qualified name, so you can also use one of the following options:
- Add a namespace.
- Use the service name as prefix.
In the following example, all entities belong to/are exposed by the same service:
service foo.MyService {
entity A { /*...*/ };
entity foo.MyService.B { /*...*/ };
namespace foo.MyService;
entity C { /*...*/ };
(Auto-) Redirected Associations
When exposing related entities, associations are automatically redirected. This ensures that clients can navigate between projected entities as expected. For example:
service AdminService {
entity Books as projection on my.Books;
entity Authors as projection on my.Authors;
//> AdminService.Authors.books refers to AdminService.Books
Resolving Ambiguities
Auto-redirection fails if a target can't be resolved unambiguously, that is, when there is more than one projection with the same minimal 'distance' to the source. For example, compiling the following model with two projections on my.Books
would produce this error:
Target "Books" is exposed in service "AdminService" by multiple projections "AdminService.ListOfBooks", "AdminService.Books" - no implicit redirection.
service AdminService {
entity ListOfBooks as projection on my.Books;
entity Books as projection on my.Books;
entity Authors as projection on my.Authors;
//> which one should AdminService.Authors.books refer to?
Using redirected to
with Projected Associations
You can use redirected to
to resolve the ambiguity as follows:
service AdminService {
entity ListOfBooks as projection on my.Books;
entity Books as projection on my.Books;
entity Authors as projection on my.Authors { *,
books : redirected to Books //> resolved ambiguity
Alternatively, you can use the boolean annotation
with value true
to make an entity a preferred redirection target, or with value false
to exclude an entity as target for auto-redirection.
service AdminService { true
entity ListOfBooks as projection on my.Books;
entity Books as projection on my.Books;
entity Authors as projection on my.Authors;
Auto-Exposed Entities
Annotate entities with @cds.autoexpose
to automatically expose them in services containing entities with associations referring to them.
For example, given the following entity definitions:
// schema.cds
namespace schema;
entity Bar @cds.autoexpose { key id: Integer; }
using { sap.common.CodeList } from '@sap/cds/common';
entity Car : CodeList { key code: Integer; }
//> inherits @cds.autoexpose from sap.common.CodeList
... a service definition like this:
using { schema as my } from './schema.cds';
service Zoo {
entity Foo { //...
bar : Association to my.Bar;
car : Association to my.Car;
... would result in the service being automatically extended like this:
extend service Zoo with { // auto-exposed entities:
@readonly entity Foo_bar as projection on Bar;
@readonly entity Foo_car as projection on Car;
You can still expose such entities explicitly, for example, to make them read-write:
service Sue {
entity Foo { /*...*/ }
entity Bar as projection on my.Bar;
Learn more about CodeLists in @sap/cds/common
Custom Actions and Functions
Within service definitions, you can additionally specify actions
and functions
. Use a comma-separated list of named and typed inbound parameters (optional) and a response type (optional for actions), which can be either a:
service MyOrders {
entity Order { /*...*/ };
// unbound actions / functions
type cancelOrderRet {
acknowledge: String enum { succeeded; failed; };
message: String;
action cancelOrder ( orderID:Integer, reason:String ) returns cancelOrderRet;
function countOrders() returns Integer;
function getOpenOrders() returns array of Order;
The notion of actions and functions in CDS adopts that of OData; actions and functions on service-level are unbound ones.
Bound Actions and Functions
Actions and functions can also be bound to individual entities of a service, enclosed in an additional actions
block as the last clause in an entity/view definition.
service CatalogService {
entity Products as projection on data.Products { ... }
actions {
// bound actions/functions
action addRating (stars: Integer);
function getViewsCount() returns Integer;
Bound actions and functions have a binding parameter that is usually implicit. It can also be modeled explicitly: the first parameter of a bound action or function is treated as binding parameter, if it's typed by [many] $self
. Use Explicit Binding to control the naming of the binding parameter. Use the keyword many
to indicate that the action or function is bound to a collection of instances rather than to a single one.
service CatalogService {
entity Products as projection on data.Products { ... }
actions {
// bound actions/functions with explicit binding parameter
action A1 (prod: $self, stars: Integer);
action A2 (in: many $self); // bound to collection of Products
Explicitly modelled binding parameters are ignored for OData V2.
Custom-Defined Events
Similar to Actions and Functions you can declare events
, which a service emits via messaging channels. Essentially, an event declaration looks very much like a type definition, specifying the event's name and the type structure of the event messages' payload.
service MyOrders { ...
event OrderCanceled {
orderID: Integer;
reason: String;
An event can also be defined as projection on an entity, structured type, or another event. Only the effective signature of the projection is relevant.
service MyOrders { ...
event OrderCanceledNarrow : projection on OrderCanceled { orderID }
Extending Services
You can extend services with additional entities and actions much as you would add new entities to a context:
extend service CatalogService with {
entity Foo {};
function getRatings() returns Integer;
Similarly, you can extend entities with additional actions as you would add new elements:
extend entity CatalogService.Products with actions {
function getRatings() returns Integer;