Aspect-Oriented Modeling
The technique of Aspects provides a very powerful means to organize your models in a way that keeps your core domain models concise and comprehensible by factoring out secondary concerns into separate files, defining and reusing common aspects, as well as adapting reused definitions to specific needs.
See also: Respective section in Five reasons to use CAP , and Separating concerns and focusing on important stuff blog posts by DJ Adams.
Similar to Aspect-Oriented Programming
Aspect-oriented Modeling as promoted by CDS is very similar in goals and approaches to Aspect-oriented Programming as defined in this Wikipedia article:
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. It does so by adding behavior to existing code (an advice) without modifying the code, [...].
Extend anything from anywhere
In essence CDS Aspects allow you to arbitrarily spread a definition across different places in the same files, or separate ones, in different projects, with different ownerships and different lifecycles.
Separation of Concerns
Use aspects to factor out secondary concerns into separate files as follows...
All-in-one Models
Instead of polluting your core domain models with a multitude of annotations, put such annotations into separate files. For example, instead of having a single-source model like that:
service CatalogService {
@UI.SelectionFields: [
ID, price, currency_code
@UI.LineItem: [
{ Value: ID, Label: '{i18n>Title}' },
{ Value: author, Label : '{i18n>Author}' },
{ Value:},
{ Value: price},
{ Value: currency.symbol},
@UI.HeaderInfo: {
TypeName : '{i18n>Book}',
TypeNamePlural : '{i18n>Books}',
Description : { Value: author }
@UI.HeaderFacets: [{
$Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
Label : '{i18n>Description}',
Target : '@UI.FieldGroup#Descr'
@UI.Facets: [{
$Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
Label : '{i18n>Details}',
Target : '@UI.FieldGroup#Price'
@UI.FieldGroup #Descr : { Data: [{Value : descr}, ]}
@UI:FieldGroup #Price : { Data: [
{ Value: price},
{ Value: currency.symbol, Label: '{i18n>Currency}' },
entity Books { ... }
Keep Your Core Clean
Rather, keep your core model concise and comprehensible:
service CatalogService {
entity Books { ... }
Factor Out Separate Concerns
And factor out the UI concerns into a separate file like that:
using { CatalogService } from '../srv/cat-service';
// Annotations for List Pages
annotate CatalogService.Books with @UI:{
SelectionFields: [
ID, price, currency_code
LineItem: [
{ Value: ID, Label: '{i18n>Title}' },
{ Value: author, Label : '{i18n>Author}' },
{ Value:},
{ Value: price},
{ Value: currency.symbol},
// Annotations for Object Pages
annotate CatalogService.Books with @UI:{
HeaderInfo: {
TypeName : '{i18n>Book}',
TypeNamePlural : '{i18n>Books}',
Description : { Value: author }
HeaderFacets: [{
$Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
Label : '{i18n>Description}',
Target : '@UI.FieldGroup#Descr'
Facets: [{
$Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
Label : '{i18n>Details}',
Target : '@UI.FieldGroup#Price'
FieldGroup #Descr : { Data: [{Value : descr}, ]},
FieldGroup #Price : { Data: [
{ Value: price},
{ Value: currency.symbol, Label: '{i18n>Currency}' },
Common Reuse Aspects
Quite frequently, you want some common aspects to be factored out and shared by and applied to multiple entities. For example, lets assume we'd want to factor out the common aspects of a standardized primary key, managed data, change tracking, extensibility, and temporal data...
Max Base Class Approach
The classic way to do so, for example in class-based inheritance systems like Java, is to have a central team defining single base classes like Object
for that, and either add all the aspects in question to that single base class, or have a base class hierarchy, like that:
abstract entity BusinessObject {
key ID : UUID;
createdAt : DateTime;
createdBy : User;
modifiedAt : DateTime;
modifiedBy : User;
changes : Composition of many Changes;
extensions : PredefinedExtensionFields;
With Changes
and PredefinedExtensionFields
defined like that...
aspect Changes {
operation : String enum { CREATED; MODIFIED; DELETED };
changedAt : DateTime;
changedBy : User;
diff : array of {
element : String;
old : String;
new : String;
type PredefinedExtensionFields {
s1 : String;
s2 : String;
s3 : String;
i1 : Integer;
i2 : Integer;
dt1 : DateTime;
abstract entity TemporalBO : BusinessObject {
validFrom : Date @cds.valid.from;
validTo : Date;
Consumers would then use these base classes like that:
using { BusinessObject, TemporalBO } from 'your-base-classes';
entity Foo : BusinessObject {...}
entity Bar : TemporalBO {...}
Issues with that approach...
One issue is that due to single inheritance limitations, these base classes frequently have to combine several actually independent aspects into one definition, and the consumers have to take them all. Related to that is that these base classes have to depend on each other, which ultimately means they can only be provided and owned by central teams.
abstract entity
is deprecated...
If you try to use abstract entity
in CDS, you'll get a warning that it is deprecated. Reason for that we found it was used mostly for the 'Max Base Class' anti pattern. So we decided to deprecate it to encourage the use of Separate Reuse Aspects pattern instead.
Separate Reuse Aspects
While, as shown above, the central single-inheritance-style base class approach is also possible with CDS, we can do better using CDS Aspects, leveraging the equivalent of multiple inheritance, and hence distributed ownership instead of central one:
aspect cuid { key ID : UUID; }
aspect managed {
createdAt : DateTime;
createdBy : User;
modifiedAt : DateTime;
modifiedBy : User;
aspect tracked {
changes : Composition of many Changes;
aspect extensible {
s1 : String;
s2 : String;
s3 : String;
i1 : Integer;
i2 : Integer;
dt1 : DateTime;
aspect temporal {
validFrom : Date @cds.valid.from;
validTo : Date;
Some of such common reuse aspects are already covered by @sap/cds/common
Consumers would then flexibly use these reuse aspects like so:
using { cuid, managed, tracked, extensible, temporal } from 'your-reuse-aspects';
entity Foo : cuid, managed, tracked, extensible {...}
entity Bar : cuid, managed, temporal {...}
Advantages of that approach
Not only does that approach allow clearer separation of concerns, and thus freedom of choice on which combinations of aspects to pick for consumers, it also allows distributed ownership of such reuse aspects, as they don't depend on each other.
Looks Like Inheritance...
The :
-based syntax for includes looks very much like (multiple) inheritance and in fact has very much the same effects. Yet, it is not based on inheritance but on mixins, which are more powerful and also avoid common problems like the infamous diamond shapes in classical inheritance-based approaches.
Adaptation of Reused Definitions
Assumed there's a reuse package offering some common types and entities which would nicely fit your needs. For example:
entity Currencies : CodeList { key code : String(3); }
entity Countries : CodeList { key code : String(5); }
entity Languages : CodeList { key locale : String(5); }
type CodeList : {
name : localized String;
Adding / Adapting Fields
Now also assumed, you'd want all code lists to have an additional field for long descriptions, and you also want currency symbols, and the locale
field for languages needs to support values with up to 15 characters. With aspects, you could simply adapt the reuse types and entities accordingly as follows:
using { CodeList, Currencies, Languages } from 'some-reuse-package';
extend CodeList with { descr: localized String }
extend Currencies with { symbol: String(2) }
extend Languages:locale with (length:15);
Adding Relationships
You can even add Associations and Compositions to definitions you obtained from somewhere else. For example, the following would extend the common reuse type managed
obtained from @sap/cds/common
to not only capture latest modifications, but a history of commented changes, with all entities inheriting from that aspect, own or reused ones, receiving this enhancement automatically:
using { User, managed } from '@sap/cds/common';
extend managed with {
ChangeNotes : Composition of many {
key timestamp : DateTime;
author : User;
note : String(1000);
Learn more about managed
and @sap/cds/common
Adding Reuse Aspects
And as the :
notation to inherit an aspect is essentially just syntactical sugar for extending a given definition with a named aspect, you can also adapt a reused definition to inherit from a common reuse aspect from 'the outside' like so:
using { SomeEntity } from 'some-reuse-package';
using { managed } from '@sap/cds/common';
extend SomeEntity with managed;
Customization, Verticalization
The same approach and techniques are used by SaaS customers when customizing a SaaS application to tailor it to their needs.
Adding Custom Fields
For example, SaaS customers would quite frequently add extension fields like that:
using { ShipmentOrders } from 'some-saas-application';
extend ShipmentOrders with {
carrier : Association to Carriers; // new association
delayedBy : Time; // new field
Learn more about Extensibility
Overriding Annotations
Sometimes they'd need to override existing annotations, such as for UI labels:
using { Customers } from 'some-saas-application';
annotate Customers with @title:'Patients'; // e.g. for health care
Verticalization means to adapt a given application for different regions or industries, which can be accomplished by providing respective predefined extension packages and switch them on per customer using feature toggles.
Inheritance Hierarchies
Sometimes you'd be tempted to create deeply nested inheritance hierarchies as you might be used to do in Java. For example, let's assume we're tempted to model something like that:
abstract entity Grantees { // equivalent to aspect
key name : String;
entity Users : Grantees {
group : Association to Groups;
entity Groups : Grantees {
members : Composition of many Users on = $self;
When combining that with relational persistence, you'll always end up in trade-off decisions about which strategy to choose for mapping such class hierarchies to flat tables. As that choice heavily depends on the use cases, CDS intentionally doesn't provide any automatic mapping of such inheritance hierarchies, but you have to choose one of the three commonly known approaches explicitly in your models as follows...
Table Per Leaf Class Strategy
If we'd keep the model as given above, we'd end up with two separate tables, one for each leaf entity. The problem with that approach is that we'd need expensive UNIONs to, for example, display a heterogeneous list of Users and Groups. For example:
entity UsersAndGroups as (
SELECT from Users
SELECT from Groups
Table Per Class Strategy
If we want a separate table for each entity in our model above, including the 'superclass' entity Grantees
, we'd have to rewrite our model to use composition over inheritance like that:
entity Grantees {
key name : String;
entity Users {
header : Association to Grantees;
group : Association to Groups;
entity Groups {
header : Association to Grantees;
members : Composition of many Users on = $self;
This would allow you to display heterogeneous lists of Grantees
without UNIONs. A lot more JOINs would be required in real-world examples, though.
Single Table Strategy
The third strategy is to put everything into a single table and an additional type discriminator element (→ kind
in the sample below).
entity Users {
key name : String;
kind : String enum { user; group }; // discriminator
group : Association to Users;
members : Composition of many Users on = $self;
- Simple model
- No UNIONs, no excess JOINs
- Bonus: deeply nested